The Certification Exam is available in your account and can be taken online using the e-learning portal.
A full study guide is included in your certification materials after you have submitted your registration and payment. There is no additional cost for the study guide.
Unlimited practice exams are included in your certification materials after you have submitted your registration and payment. There is no additional cost for practice exams or exam results.
Practice exam results are available in your account immediately after completing an exam. Certification exam results take one hour to be posted to your account.
NPS provides 3 certification exam attempts. If you fail the certification exam, you can retake the exam 2 additional times without any retake fees!
Yes, NPS provides continuing education units that are accredited by P.A.C.E., members of the Institute for Credentialing Excellence (ICE), formerly known as NOCA, and NPS is a division of the National Association for Psychometric Competency Testing(NAPCT)
The certification exams have pretest items and 100 scored multiple choice items. Two hours is provided to complete the exam once you begin.
A digital copy of your certification and a digital photo ID badge is available in your account one hour after passing the certification exam. Your certification can then be verified and printed.
NPS certifications can be verified instantly at
All that is needed to verify a credential is the certification number. There is no cost to verify.
All certifications are required to be renewed every two years.
Yes, you can transfer to NPS by taking the corresponding NPS certification exam for the credential that you need to renew. Upon successfully earning your NPS certification by passing an exam, you may then qualify for alternative certification renewal pathways such as CEUs.
If a certification has been expired for 30 days or more, an additional reinstatement fee will be applied to your renewal cost.
A certificate of completion is administered by a training facility after completing a training course. A national certification is administered by a third party agency to individuals who pass a competency exam. National certifications are required to be renewed every two years by continuing education.
No matter how much experience you have, you are required to take a competency evaluation to receive a certification.
A digital copy of your certification will be forever stored in your account. You can login and print your certification at any time.
On the top right hand side of any page, there are a series of buttons. Push the ‘Login’ button to go to the login page. If there is a button that says ‘My Account’, you are already logged in and can access your account from that button. You will be automatically logged into your account when you register and process your payment.
You can change your password by first going to the login page and then pushing the button that says ‘Forgot Password?’ and then type in the username or email address associated with your account. An email will be sent to you to reset your password.
No, if you are currently working in an allied health field that we provide a certification in, you can take the certification exam without taking a training course.
When you choose to become NPS Certified, we are here to help you along your journey.
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